
(Re)Beginning Ceramics 2023-01-05

My passions after computer science.

Ceramics Handbuilding 3D Art Wheelthrowing

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Robotic Injection Using Baxter 2022-05-11

Utilizing the Baxter robot for real life problems, immunizations.

Robotics Healthcare Python ROS Noetic

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My First Website 2021-08-01

I created my first website and presented it during my Internship Summer Series.

Angular HTML Frontend

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Drone Movement 2021-05-01

I worked on the same team all semester to move a drone using the pre-made graphics. The drone picked up and delivered packages to customers.

C Team Picojson Grapics

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Box City Vigil 2019-05-03

My organization hosted an overnight event to raise awareness for youth homelessness in our community.

Youth Community Homelessness Awareness

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