Box City Vigil (BCV) was the name of an organization sponsored by Bloomington United for Youth in Bloomington, Minnesota. Our goal was to raise awareness to students, parents, and other community members about the issues of youth homelessness in our own town. It was important for us to host this event in central Bloomington to allow the most amount of students to go from both high schools in the city. We took about 6-7 months to plan this event with a group of about 10 students. Our roles were overlapping, we budgeted, planned fun activites, prepared food, and scheduled speakers. An accomplishment of our event was when we influenced Representative Dean Phillips about our cause when he stopped by our location. BCV educated attendees on the lifestyle and stress our youth live in, and how we can help. This event brought Bloomington together for one cause: our youth.
I took part in requesting for funding/sponsors, designing the logo, the printing and selling of shirts, scheduling of activities, and requesting for speakers. The speakers worked directly with our homeless youth to provide them shelter and meals. They had the best information for anyone seeking for assistance or wondering how to help. This event taught me about the most about leadership. During the event, I was the main point of contact for any issues that arised.